5 Ways to Make Year-End Giving Easier
Year-end Giving can be overwhelming with so many options on who to support and how to give. Community First Foundation is here to make it easy. Follow the guide below and discover the year-end giving that is right for you.
Are you a professional with extra time and specialized skills? Consider donating your time and talents to help others. Check out Catchafire, a platform where you can volunteer your time and expertise to help nonprofits in Colorado.
Then, you should try online giving. Giving Cards are an easy way to help others give. Giving Cards are an easy and secure way to donate, work like a gift card on coloradogives.org, and can be used for any nonprofit you find on the site.
Do you have a Donor Advised Fund? You can use our Donor Advised Fund (DAF) Giving Program to support multiple nonprofits in Colorado through ColoradoGives.org. Contact your DAF sponsor and request a disbursement to Community First Foundation. Once we receive your distribution, we’ll send you an electronic Giving Card.
If you live, play, or work in Jeffco, donating to the Jeffco Hope Fund is a great way to directly help your community! All money donated to the fund helps strengthen and stabilize our community by helping those directly impacted by the pandemic.
If you’re over the age of 70 ½, then IRA Giving is a great fit! Reach out to your IRA plan sponsor and get a check in the amount you want to give sent to Community First Foundation. Then, we will send you a Giving Card with the amount and you can pick from any nonprofit on coloradogives.org.
Your generosity makes countless lives better and you can continue to do so with year-end giving. Help us end 2020 on a high note with one (or more) of the ways of giving above. Please reach out to info@communityfirstfoundation.org if you have any questions.