Ever wonder what the future of philanthropy looks like?
Ever wonder what the future of philanthropy looks like? We caught a glimpse of it recently when we visited Young AmeriTowne to help present checks to five local nonprofits.
Throughout the year, students visit Young AmeriTowne at the Young American Center for Financial Education in Jefferson County, to explore the roles they play in their communities. They set aside their daily textbooks and classrooms and turn into active citizens, experiencing a career for a day and learning to manage their personal finances while participating in a free enterprise economy.
Students discover the direct impact their actions and decisions have on themselves, their businesses, and their overall community. They also learn the value of giving back through through their time, talent and treasures. They work, they volunteer and they give using their Young AmeriTowne money.
Summer camp participants contribute, too, and at the end of the year, we turn their cash gifts into real cash grants benefitting the Jefferson County nonprofits they select.
This year, students donated more than $28,000 of their “earned” income to five Colorado nonprofits!
The Initiative – Abuse-Free Culture for All
Youth Documentary Academy
Rise Colorado
Doctors Care
National Sports Center for the Disabled
Colorado Water Trust
Now that’s making good happen.